Event Space


Blank Canvas


Car Launch



Grey Lynn Showroom Warehouse Space

Versatile space available for hire.

Listing information Listing information

5 Waima Street

Grey Lynn - Auckland City

573 m2

Total Area (m2)

20 - 100 People

Space available




The building is strategically positioned just off Great North Road, and in close proximity to Ponsonby and Karangahape Roads, great local amenity within walking distance. Multi spaces, warehouse, office, showroom, high stud, large roller door, could suit multiple uses, available long or short term, could suit product launches, functions, networking or exhibitions.

Key features:
• Character office, showroom or warehouse
• Seven (7) carparks
• Versatile tenancy

Premises Breakdown:
Ground Floor: 399.25sqm
Open Mezzanine: 58.61sqm
First Floor Office: 115.64sqm

Please note, this space is unfurnished.


Available Spaces Cocktail Dining Theatre
- - -

Not suitable for

18th Birthdays 21st Birthdays Stag or Hens Parties


Listing Number:13866
(Mapped location may not be exact)

Email enquiry

Chris 5 Waima Street
Call lister

Before enquiring, please note this space is not suitable for:

  • 18th Birthdays
  • 21st Birthdays
  • Stag or Hens Parties

This form is only to be used for sending genuine email enquiries to the Lister. sharedspace.co.nz reserves its right to take any legal or other appropriate action in relation to misuse of this service.

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