Shoot Location


Blank Canvas





Grey Lynn Industrial Shoot Location

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Listing information Listing information

5 Waima Street

Grey Lynn - Auckland City

400 m2

Total Area (m2)




Formerly home to an animation studio with 25 years of experience in creating world class character animation in advertising, film and television, this two level standalone premises can accommodate a wide range of users.

The existing fit has been meticulously refurbished by the new owners and the building comprises an open plan office/showroom or even warehouse space that has downstairs & upstairs offices or meeting rooms, a mezzanine level, a storeroom, a soundproofed room, utilities area and a kitchen and bathrooms. There is also a level 1 studio space that is currently detached from the main space (but could be re-linked through a new door) which has its own entranceway via a stairwell located on Monmouth Street.

5 Waima Street has a very inviting entranceway that has polished concrete floors and two separate boardrooms/meeting rooms plus the main space boasts fantastic stud-height that is flanked with a high roller door which only adds to the long list of attributes this versatile and unique tenancy has to offer.

The building is strategically positioned just off Great North Road, and in close proximity to Ponsonby and Karangahape Roads, which is well serviced by the tremendous amount of local amenity all within walking distance.

Key features:
• Character office, showroom or warehouse
• Seven (7) carparks
• Available long or short term

Premises Breakdown:
Ground Floor: 399.25sqm
Open Mezzanine: 58.61sqm
First Floor Office: 115.64sqm



Listing Number:13577
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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Chris 5 Waima Street
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