Studio Space


Blank Space





Ponsonby Multipurpose Studio Available

Modern dance studio available for hire

Listing information Listing information

5 Lincoln Street

Ponsonby - Auckland City

$25 /hr
64 - 117 m2

Total Area (m2)




At Ponsonby School of Dance we have four studio spaces available for hire.

Studio One - 9m x 13m - Good natural light $60hr +gst
Studio Two - 9m x 10m -Some natural light $45hr +gst
Studio Three - 10m x 10m - Good natural light $45hr +gst
Studio Four - 8m x 8m - some natural lighting $25hr +gst

Multiple purposes
• Performing Arts; Classes, Rehearsals. Choreography, Studio hire
• Film & Photography; Location, Shoots, Exhibition, Castings
• Arts; Classes, Exhibition Space, Studio hire

There is some parking - 6 cars could park in our parks and then off street parking is quite good.
There is an office/kitchenette, three toilets and a waiting room.

The studios are available during school hours, all day Friday and weekends and school holidays.

Get in touch today for more information and availability.



Listing Number:12429
(Mapped location may not be exact)

Email enquiry

Ponsonby School of Dance 5 Lincoln Street

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