Storage Space


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Self Storage

Self Storage Facilities Ellerslie

Storage Space for Rent Auckland Ellerslie

Listing information Listing information

40 Cawley Street

Ellerslie - Auckland City

10 - 50 m2

Total Area (m2)




Kiwi Self Storage Ellerslie is in the eastern suburbs. From Remuera and the Bays, access is via Ladies Mile. Alternatively, the storage centre is easy to access from the Ellerslie Panmure Highway or from the Southern Motorway at the Ellerslie Penrose interchange.

Kiwi Self Storage Limited is a private, New Zealand owned storage company that specialises in storage solutions by providing self storage space and associated packaging products and insurance. We have been in the self storage industry since 1997.  We own and operate all of our storage centres.

We want to make storing as easy as possible for our customers. All of our storage centres are modern, clean and secure. We have resident managers who live on site. Our offices are open 7 days a week and customers have 24 hours access.
Our staff members are trained to help you to choose the size of storage unit that best suits your needs.  You can usually get more into a unit than you would expect, particularly if you are able to stack your belongings or use shelving. Many of our units are 2.7 metres high, which is higher than the ceiling in most houses.  



Listing Number:1676
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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Kiwi Self Storage Ellerslie 40 Cawley Street
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