Shoot Location


Blank Canvas


Mid Century



The Old Government House

Historic building for shoots

Listing information Listing information

55 Lambton Quay

Pipitea - Wellington City

4,200 m2

Total Area (m2)




Located at the north end of Lambton Quay, Wellington, Government Building (Former) is one of New Zealand's most significant historic buildings. The iconic wooden structure with its grandiose façade is an integral feature of Wellington’s cityscape and is nationally and internationally recognised for its physical, historic, and cultural heritage values.

It’s one of the world’s greatest wooden buildings, has an address on busy Lambton Quay in Wellington and for years was the engine room of our government, yet for whatever reason the Old Government Buildings often fly under the radar.

Old Government Buildings is a working university campus for Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Law.
We have a range of options available for photography including wedding or graduation photos and video shoots.



Listing Number:14315
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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Old Government Buildings 55 Lambton Quay
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