Shoot Location






Wild Garden

Geraldine Shoot Location

Stunning location available for film and photography

Listing information Listing information

842 Winchester-Geraldine Road

Geraldine - Timaru District

250 - 36,826 m2

Total Area (m2)




• Just over 9 acres rural grounds with mature woodland English garden setting with waterways through gardens along with homestead, accommodation, event centre and recently a Bake House.
• 1978 the garden were planted with massed rhododendrons and under planted with drifts of ground cover, perennials, roses, trillions, intermingled with all manner of trees and shrubs around a boutique lake fed with spring water. Spring and autumn showcasing cherries, dogwoods, maples, elms, birches and larches, gum, ribbon woods to name a few.
• 2002 grounds were redesigned to comply with health and safely with further areas planted along with building the event centre, completed June 2006
• 2014 new Bake House built.
Property is multifunctional lending to many opportunities and experiences to suit a wide range depending on what you are looking for.
• All the modern technology along with paging sound system inside and out.
• Central chandeliers all with dimmers, live streaming to multiple countries and the grounds come alive not only from some of the clearest skies in the universe it also can emit flood lighting out beyond the water and gardens to match your mood or event.
Floor to ceiling windows embrace natural lighting along with the large open fireplace. Heat pumps also built in
• Indoor and outdoor flow
• Fully licenced to cover reception areas and all the gardens and grounds viewed from the venue

• Indoor and outdoor flow
Contact us for more details. 



Listing Number:5795
(Mapped location may not be exact)

Email enquiry

Carmel Daly 842 Winchester-Geraldine Road
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