Shoot Location


Art Deco




Blank Canvas

Shoots in Kāhui St David's

Unique and historical shooting location

Listing information Listing information

70 Khyber Pass Rd

Grafton - Auckland City

4,000 m2

Total Area (m2)




Kāhui St David's, once the "Cathedral of the Presbyterian Church" is the perfect location for any shoot you are planning and every space in this historic heritage building has its own charm and style.

The Great Hall is the main space.
This light-filled space with soaring stained glass and leadlight windows and gently raked floor does really well as a backdrop.

Another space is the Garden Room, a smaller space (though the full width of the building) with a striking Mid-Century ceiling, lower light levels, large Crittall windows looking out to the garden and a quiet city street.

Additional spaces -
There's also the Vestibule, an entry lobby with wooden panelling, historic heritage plaques and furniture; a traditional Board Room, and an unrestored, raw, industrial-vibe space (once a gymnasium in the 1920s) that is suitable for photography and video shoots.

The adjustable lighting in all spaces can be customised to your needs.

Whatever your background and interest in Kāhui St David’s, we look forward to hearing from you. The building is owned by a charitable trust.



Listing Number:14616
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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Kāhui St Davids 70 Khyber Pass Rd
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