Shoot Location





Kitchen Filming Location

Great for filming cooking / food / product content.

Listing information Listing information

50b Rangatira Rd, Beach Haven, 0626

Birkenhead - North Shore City

160 m2

Total Area (m2)




This kitchen in a new build was designed around being a great kitchen to film in. We shoot several brands in here including Whittaker's and various poultry brands.

There is a large area behind the kitchen for crew to stand and for camera operators to have a large area to work in / set up lighting. Having the ability to stand right back and use a longer lens makes for great shots.

There is also plenty of natural light coming through the large windows and a large outdoor area with plenty of seating and areas for your crew requirements.

The table and couch can be removed on request and a double garage is also available if you need to store more equipment.



Listing Number:13504
(Mapped location may not be exact)

Email enquiry

Brian Mead 50b Rangatira Rd, Beach Haven, 0626
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