Shoot Location


Blank Canvas


Brick Walls



Inner City Shoot Location

Make this space your own

Listing information Listing information

42 Airedale Street

Auckland City - Auckland City

200 m2

Total Area (m2)




Arguably Auckland's most versatile space.

Tucked away in the centre of Auckland CBD you’ll find The Tuesday Club. Our unique and versatile urban venue offers a range of styles – from a polished concrete gallery space with modular walls and natural lighting, to a motorcycle workshop and intimate café & bar. Here to be used however people want to use it – what have you got in mind?

Key features:
Gallery space with eight moveable walls
Café & commercial kitchen
Street access

The Gallery:
Enter through roller doors into the open-plan space where you’ll find polished concrete floors, steel-framed windows, eight modular wall panels and plenty of natural light. The space has easy off-street access, parking and comes fitted with all the power your AV supplier could possibly need, including three phase.

Moveable wall dimensions:​
4 x walls: 2400mm Wide x 2390mm High​
4 x walls: 3150mm Wide x 2390mm High

The Café:
Bolted on to our workshop sits the café. The industrial steel and brick styled space is offset with soft-coloured velvet seating around a large zinc-top dining table. This cosy space is available evenings & weekends.

We’d love to discuss how we can help bring your vision to life – contact us today to begin planning your shoot, and see attached PDF for further details & floor plans.



Listing Number:12444
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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The Tuesday Club 42 Airedale Street
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