Shoot Location







Auckland Museum Shoot Location

One of Auckland's best-loved buildings

Listing information Listing information

The Auckland Domain

Parnell - Auckland City

$650 /hr
1,000 m2

Total Area (m2)




Look no further than Auckland Museum for a truly unique film shoot location. The Museum has three floors of galleries, intimate spaces, the striking neo-classical Grand Foyer, the modern award-winning Te Ao Mārama South Atrium, a rooftop offering sweeping views of Auckland city and much more.

A huge range of groups have utilised our spaces in the past, from fashion shoots and music videos to documentaries and TV series.

With so many options our team would love to chat further about what space or spaces could be right for your shoot location needs.

Available 7 days a week outside of Museum opening hours only, please allow a lead time of around 1 to 2 weeks depending on the size of your production, subject to approvals.

Contact us today and let us help bring your vision to life.



Listing Number:11813
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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Auckland Museum The Auckland Domain

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