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Highwic - Pop Up Exhibition Space

Highwic, the perfect venue

Listing information Listing information

40 Gillies Ave

Epsom - Auckland City

75 m2

Total Area (m2)




Built in 1862 Highwic is one of New Zealand’s finest Carpenter Gothic Mansions and provides a spectacular heritage setting for your next event or exhibition.

Hidden away in the heart of Newmarket, Auckland’s premier shopping district, Highwic is centrally located and easily accessible via the motorway to North and West Auckland as well as the central city and airport.
The Billiard House, which is separate to the main house, is the perfect space for your pop-up exhibition. With kauri floors and wood-paneled walls, the Billiard House is an informal space that you can personalise for your exhibition.

The Billiard House is not locked during the day so it would need to be attended by the Exhibitors.

Highwic is available to view Wednesday through Sunday, 10.30am to 4.30pm, or by appointment.

For more information or to arrange a viewing please call or email us.



Listing Number:3971
(Mapped location may not be exact)

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Highwic 40 Gillies Ave
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